"The experience on the boat is a little crazy! Really! We had to sleep in hammocks, on the first day there was a storm, it rained so much, the rest of the days were more relaxed.  It was a way of being disconnected from the rest of the world."

I have never collected cans in my life. I had to do it. I have never eaten from the trash in my life. I had to do it. I have never walked so much like I did here in Brazil. I walked 200km.


Go to the Andes Route

Since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, thousands of Venezuelan families have undertaken the return to their country. The vast majority have lost their jobs, others are being evicted, and since Venezuelans are not included in the Peruvian government's relief efforts, their situation in Peru is more than critical. It's our hope that the stories narrated in Ruta de Fuga serve as examples of solidarity, strength and resilience.